Wednesday, April 29, 2009

GREAT Blog Candy

This is some great blog candy...$100.00 gift card to any where you want. *faints* Oh gosh this is the best ever! Please stop by and sign up. You wont regret it!
Here's the link again.... Where'd All My Money Go

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My CTMH Buddy...Cheryl

My CTMH buddy Cheryl is giving some GREAT blog candy and I wanted to share with you all. Please stop by Smoky Mountain Scrapin and sign up. It's some wonderful stuff. She's also your go to girl for all your Close to my Heart supplies!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Well sorry I haven't posted in awhile. We've been so busy lately. Just for a brief catch-up. We left for spring break and the day before we were to return we got a call from the police that our house was broke into. We came straight home to find only certain things missing and our dog gone. One week and 2 days later our dog returned and the next day the people who broke in were caught. WOO HOO!

I'm hoping to post more later...on working on my nieces babyshower that is tomorrow!

As requested from Laurel, I have added a follow me to my blog.
